
Hello, March!

I’ve been chewing over what my theme for the month of March should be.  As I’ve mentioned, the theme of posting a blog a day was borrowed from my sweet, dear Anya.  She wrote a blog a day for over a year, and found the process to be healing and meditative.  Because I want to have something of a similar experience, I tasked myself with this challenge at the onset of the turn of the calendar to 2015.  Adding a theme just seemed to make sense.
So far, I’ve written a month about time and all things temporal, and a month about gratitude and the folks and moments who have offered me grace.  It only seems right that this month, I write about nourishment.  
The most widely accepted definition of nourishment is a substance necessary for growth, health, and good condition.  This seems to be in line with the way my thoughts have been working this year. What nourishes the individual is, by and large, likely what nourishes the whole.  Though I have no other half at present, I still like to think that my readers, my audience and my community is my ‘whole’ and through an examination of what offers me growth and good condition will do the same for those I reach. That seems to be the point of writing, after all.
 Today, I nourished my soul.  
Rose early, meditated, visited what Long refers to as ‘church’ and lifted heavy.  Returned home for some quiet introspection, thesis revisions, yoga.  In my communication with friends today, I received delightful message randomly from a friend reminding me of a few truths, namely to slow the fuck down, appreciate the moment, and know that what I’m seeking will come to fruition.  Holy amazing.  Talk about timing.  (See what I did there? Brought it right back to time?) It seems that even without setting out for it, the growth I need is finding me. 

Read along this month for examples of nourishment.  I’m sure to write some posts about food, some about fitness, and a lot about the experiences I seek that nourish me along the way. 

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