
The Key!

Well, it finally happened.  I locked myself out of my apartment yesterday.  I’d been having a feeling that this would happen at some point, as much because I’m a forgetful creative at times as because my mind has been a bit distracted as of late.  Earlier this week, I received my workshop assignment for my next term at Spalding, and while over the moon with it, it’s started my mind thinking in all sorts of ways that are causing me to be distracted!
So, I leave for the office at 0540.  Yesterday, I noticed that my kitchen light was still on, so I went to turn off Loretta and head back … and that’s when I discovered I was missing the key.  Holy shit.  What the fuck kind of way is that to start a Thursday?  Pissed, I knew exactly where I left my key – on the placemat on my table after my run.  Salt.  I drove to work chewing over what to do.
Reached out to Ghost and Rubin, the only two souls on this earth who have a key to my space, and hoped that one of them would get back to me soon.  If you read my post about taking my GED test, you might notice a pattern here … seems I lock my keys in the most inconvenient places at the most inopportune times. 
Ghost and Rubin both got back to me at a more-human time (0700) and I was able to pick up my key in the afternoon.  Nourishing, yes to know I trust these two with a key to my place, even more so, that I trust them to keep it for me … because invariably, I’m sure they both knew that this would happen sooner or later.  I’ve been thinking today about what keys are exactly.  Sure they unlock and lock doors, or start automobiles, but they mean so much more sometimes , right? Big ups, yall, for having the key. 

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