

A 10k in ... I’m feeling decidedly nourished.
After work this afternoon, I took my standard Friday nap.  Slept and slept and slept.  Way beyond my alarm.  I heard the sounds of my street but ignored them for my sheets and my rest.  It was amazing. There are few things in my world that rival a good sleep.
Last night, I woke at 0230 like usual and found myself wondering about the day.  Messaged a bit with Rubin, still in India, and thought about what it is I want in my life.  Aside from the obvious PhD and National Book Award, I want to make an impact.  To meet folks who find truth and substance in my words, who are impacted by my story and ignited to action.  That’s not too much to ask, I think.
At the office, mid-morning, I was thinking all things writer-related and doing all things tooth-required and it occurred to me … it’s not the day-to-day that makes me, but the moments when I’m whole
So.  After my nap and my run, I ran my errands and found the perfect mirror for my lab.  

Look how it showcases the shot Willis took of water from her microscope.  Isn't it divine?  I think it's gorgeous, and all the segments add to seventeen! Woo!  Yay for numbers.  I’ve hung it facing the intention board I crafted back in January, and hope that the feng shui truth I hold dear will come to fruition.
Even though it’s Friday night, and there’s a lot happening in the city, I feel wholesomely nourished to be sitting in my lab with Alt-J’s new album (thanks Mulli!) and my words.  It might not be for everyone, but this life of writing and the solitude provides for me.  
In Kundalini, we end sessions with the words, "Sat Nam" meaning ... I honor the teacher within, I honor the teacher before me, behind me, in front of me.  Sat Nam, readers.  

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