
Spring, Soon

What a brilliant Sunday.  The precipice of spring is on the horizon, and it’s been evident in the Nati all day.  Woke after a sound and restful seven hours of sleep on my own at 7 this morning, and preformed my standard morning ritual of thanking the Universe for another day.  Clapped my hands to clear the air and smiled.
Last night, I had one of the most luxurious and heartfelt dinners of my life.  Rubin and I went to Prima Vista and caught up on all things pertinent.  Prima Vista is in Price Hill, the neighborhood where I grew up, and the circularity of the evening wasn’t lost on either of us. 

The hours passed too quickly, and before we knew it, it was eleven.  Almost Pumpkin Hour. I drove home, all smiles, feeling nourished, fulfilled, and decidedly present in this life.  Over dinner, Rubin told me that I’m more present now than I ever have been.  He’s right.  Something’s clicked over the last few months that’s hard to describe, but glorious to experience. 
So right.  This morning, after guns day at the gym (where I did eight by eights for every set, and kicked my own ass) I had Loretta washed and detailed and then chatted with Anya for over an hour.  We vibed about everything going on in our respective worlds, and hearing her laughter made my heart sing.  When we hung up, I found myself grinning like a school girl.  It’s welcoming and comforting to know that she has my back in everything I do. 
Feeling incredibly whole, I messaged Willis to see if she still wanted to link today.  We met at the gym yesterday afternoon and I took her through a small segment of one of my sessions.  Deciding to meet at Habits, I set out for a run.  What better way to earn my booze than to run for it, right?  So I ran there.  But I ran too fast, and had to double back through Oakley a few times until I was set to meet her.
I turned down Brownway and passed a woman who looked incredibly familiar.  She looked at me.  Our eyes locked.  And I thought for sure she was who I thought she was; but she didn’t stop, so I kept going.  But then.  I stopped.  Doubled back, and approached her on the corner of Brownway and Madison.  Asked her if she was so-and-so’s mom.  Turns out, I was right.  After a year in the Nati, I FINALLY ran into the mother of my shaman!  Rein, in the flesh.  How long I’ve been waiting to run into her.  Holy fuck, could this day be any more stellar? 
I couldn’t help myself.  Hugged her, sweaty as shit, and proceeded to gush about every reason why she’s been so instrumental to my life.  And really, she has been, albeit peripherally; early on this woman found a way to nestle into my core that has been pivotal in the way I live my life.
We exchanged numbers and promises for tea.  Met with Willis.  We sat in the sun a while and enjoyed what this Sunday in Cincinnati has to offer.  She drove me home, and we chilled a bit at my space.  After she left, I found myself looking around my spot, knowing that the blessings I can count are immense, fulfilling, and nourishing.

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