
Ooo, Lookie!

Like most creatives, my relationship with sleep is a little of a give and take.  I give a lot – fresh sheets twice, sometimes three times a week, a sleep-encouraging bedroom, lavender scented sheets, and I take what I can get.  If I sleep a sound five hours a night, I’m happy.
Today started for me at 0230; I woke, after sleeping for five hours solid, and felt rested.  But not rested enough to rise and begin to tackle the day.  Reaching for my phone, a green flashing light alerted me to a Facebook message.  Rubin, in India, showcasing pics.  Whatever time is was there was a good time to chat, so I stayed awake a while and messaged with him.  It was a lovely reminder that even across the world, communication has a way of connecting all of us.
After our catch up, I drifted back to sleep via a chakra meditation that Natalie hipped me to years ago.  It’s a standard Kundalini practice, and it’s one I return to when I’m feeling restless.  Four o’clock came soon enough and I didn’t want to wake.  I wanted to stay cozy in my sheets somewhere between dreamland and waking reality.  But, obligations, responsibilities and such-all got the best of me.  So after a quick kettlebell sesh, off to office I went.
Work did much to nourish my soul today.  One of my colleagues, (who for the sake of this blog I’m calling) Pamela Regina, and I get along really well.  And today was just one of those days when we were on.  We laughed, exchanged stories, bitched about the world.  It felt good.
After the office, I met up with Michee and Linds to select bridesmaid dress colors for Michee’s wedding to Ghost.  I bought my dress.  That’s two bridesmaid dresses in less than four days!  Eeek.  Wedding season will be here before I know it.

When I finally returned home, after twelve plus hours gone, I was greeted with this.  

My super cute annual bloomed during the course of the day.  I stopped when I noticed the soft pink petals.  What a lovely reminder that it isn’t just the interactions that help to nourish me, but the small silent moments as well. 

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