
Almost a Sphere

Writing is a cyclical process, not a spherical one.  There is a finite beginning and end, not a boundary that cannot be penetrated.  It starts with an idea, that turns into a draft, that turns into a revision ... that turns into shit, then back to a draft, a revision, back to shit ... and the process goes on an on.  I'm super blessed to have a space in my apartment dedicated to writing.  My lab houses many of the important 'things' in my life - photos, windows, candles.  2015 Intention Board. My machine, memory boxes, calendars, mirrors.  More important than all of those things though, is that my Lab houses my dream - that to which I aspire, published writer, formidable in my own right, successfully comfortable in my craft.
I spend a considerable amount of time every week sending out my words into the wild world of publication in the hopes that some kind editor of some lovely publication will read them and find some truth, or something of merit and elect to publish my work.
Submission Sundays, as I've taken to calling them, are just as cyclical as the writing process.  I scour Duotrope, find available markets, write cover letters, send off work.  The process repeats and repeats.  Then, months later, I begin receiving the rejection letters.
Make no mistake!  I don't mind the rejection letters ... in fact, I welcome them.  (Not as much as I welcome publication, of course.  But I see the rejection letters as just another part of this wild process, as necessary as revisions, and edits, and dare I say it ... as necessary as writing.  If I never had the courage to send my work out, and just sat back smug as fuck in my chair thinking my words are tits, that would get me nowhere.  I'd just be a shitty writer.
Over the last week, I've received six separate rejections (and one acceptance!) and I think it's lovely.  It's a nourishing process, helps me remember what I'm doing and who I'm doing it for.  Makes me want to do it more.  I know that this cycle is a long and difficult process.  But I'm willing to do what it takes.  #cantstop #wontstop #theyaskmewhatido #andwhoidoitfor

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