

Feeling like a total bad ass today. 
I saw this gem in a Clifton bar last week, and the meaning has stuck with me.  Every day is a new day.  The task we all face is to make it something special, monumental, fantastic.

Today, I’ve accomplished that.  It’s no secret I love my runs.  Seems like half of the posts I’ve written this month have something to do with running in one way or another.  It’s not just that running nourishes my body and mind, but every time I hit the pavement (or the mill) I’m challenging myself to do better.  It’s a single-woman battle that I get to have over and over again.
This morning, I woke at 430 to arrive at the gym by 5 and run for a while.  430 was really early, so I hit the snooze, and didn’t make it to the gym until 530.  Not a lot of time for the run I was planning … so, I decided to challenge myself a bit – see how fast I could run four miles.  I walked for two and then amped up the speed, covered the display and turned on Schoolboy Q really loud.  Two miles in, I upped the speed again, and finished out my run.  Cooled down for three minutes and then pressed stop, since it was six and my pumpkin time.  Had to get back home to clean up for work. 
The nice thing about treadmills is that the machine automatically averages out the mile split.  It’s great for me because math and I are not usually on speaking terms.  I could not believe my split this morning.  A FUCKING 6:31 average for all four miles!  Holy shit.  Nourished?  Hell yes.  Pleased?  Without a doubt.
But what I’ve found, as I’ve navigated through this day, is the way my perspective of this Tuesday has changed.  I’m still being tasked with the same kinds of things I always am, but I feel so strong from that run time that it seems like I can do just about anything. 
Next challenge – five miles at that pace.  Then six, seven, eight … a sub three hour marathon doesn’t seem so wild right about now. 

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