
First Day of Spring and a New Challenge

It’s the Vernal Equinox!  Officially spring.  Putting into words the idea that winter is slowly descending behind me is difficult.  It was a long one, full of dark days and cold nights.  I’m very much looking forward to sunshine and the green, raw truth that spring offers.
In light of this wonderful day, today also marks the beginning of a new challenge for me. 

As Efed preps for another move across the pond, I’ve been thinking about ways in which my siblings and I can continue to remain as close as we are right now.  Even though she’s in Philly and Ghost and I are in the Nati, we typically find a way to communicate at least once a week.  Efed and Ghost both travel a ton for work, and Ghost has that fledgling basketball troupe with his four boys, but we all make the effort to at least send a funny meme or something every now and again.
A few years ago, Ghost and I started on some random thirty day challenges.  No cussing.  Or, 100 jumping jacks a day, no spending, no whatever … just little things we could do throughout the day to remind us to stay present and to continually nourish our bodies and minds.
Today, the first day of spring marks the beginning of another 30 day challenge.  This time though, it’s not just Ghost and me.  Efed is in on it too.  We’ve all committed to doing a set number of pushups throughout the day.  It’s a silly challenge, sure.  But they all are. 

The root of this challenge, and the reason I wanted to do it with my siblings is because it will hopefully help us to remain in as much contact as we have been.  Efed moves next month.  That date will be here before we know it.  Maybe if we get in the habit now of sending our numbers to one another on the daily, we’ll continue that once she’s in the land of good beer and liederhosen.  In this way, I’m hoping to continue to nourish the connection that the three of us share.  

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