

Today after work, I went to the gym like usual.  Had an amazing jump rope workout and a good kettlebell session.  After, instead of heading home, I met Willis for dinner at the new Ethiopian joint in P Ridge.  Holy amazing.
Not only was it great to connect with my girl and catch up on all the latest catch ups, but it was also nice step outside of my norm.  Sure, my lab and my words were calling to me, but I know I’ll quickly run out of things to write about if I’m not living life a little too. 

I had a delicious vegan lentil dish, and learned about a new grain.  Willis filled me in on all the latest wedding news, and we vibed like we know how to do.  It reminded me of the impromptu nights we used to have in our youth.  And well.  Yeah. Yum all around.  Time passed too quickly and before I knew it, I was set to turn into a pumpkin.
Driving back to Norwood, I caught a glimpse of the moon in the March night sky.  It will be full tomorrow, and round and glowing, it reminded me of a truth I’ve long known.  I’ve lived here a year already, a full on solid three hundred and sixty five days.  And the number of times I’ve stepped from my schedule to just be is too few.  Tonight, I’m reminded that what nourishes me isn’t just what I’m doing, but these sorts of nights that help me be … whole.

It isn’t the structure of my days or rigor to achieve my goals that keeps me moving.  Nor is it the load that I carry.  It’s the way I move, the way I hold the load that speaks more to who I am as a person and what I’m doing with life.  Over dinner, Willis and I talked about her future plans (marriage and mommy-hood) and mine (PhD and travel) and while our paths aren’t overtly congruent at present, we’re still living this life the same.  One step, one day, one dinner, one full moon at a time.

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