
Galactic Rocked It

The other Sunday, when Ali and I shared a beer in the afternoon at Habits, I noticed on the marquee of 20th that Galactic was going to be playing a show in a few days.  A quick calendar check revealed that the show was on a Tuesday – my favorite night to go out and do something since I’m off on Wednesdays. I've been trying to see Galactic for years.  They're a wonderful combination of sounds that I just love - deep south, combined with a little soul, a little granola and a lot of truth.  I suggested we go to the show, and Willis immediately thought it was a great idea.
We locked in tickets and made plans to meet up at the show.  What started as a foursome outing turned into a group thing quickly.  Instead of just me and Willis going to jam out to some hippie tunes, it ended up being a whole flock of Nati folk who I love and adore.  My upstairs neighbors came to the show too and once there, I realized that this life, and the nourishment it offers is something that should be appreciated at all times.    

The show was everything I needed.  Opening act was legit; good southern sounds set to the perfect amount of granola-love.  The crowd was receptive, engaging, happy to be hearing tunes that Cincinnati doesn’t get very often.  Seeing many of the people I love in one space at one time was so wonderful.  I had great conversations with everyone there; even connected in a new way with Whalen about some shit that we both wrestle. 

Midway through the evening, I found myself looking around at the folks I’ve known for almost half my life … this ride has been wild and rife with all kinds of bullshit along the way, but it’s also been full of beautiful surprises, like seeing so many great people at the show last night.
Once Galactic took the stage, I knew it was time to dance.  I channeled my inner Phish-head and just jammed out, flowing in my own rhythym.  Helpful that I know all of Galatic’s songs so well that I knew the pauses and spaces, but even more so … I knew that even if I missed a beat, or stepped out at the wrong time, the folks I was with wouldn’t think anything of it. 

The evening was brilliant.  Everything that makes this city a wholesome and wonderful space to be in right now. I needed to shake the dust off my bones as much as I needed to be reminded that this life is what you make it.  Fuck yes.  Rock on, Galactic.  Rock on, Nati life.   

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