
Tunes for Days

Holy fuck.  I love this sunshine weather.  It’s glorious, and reminds me that after a long ass winter, there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
Yesterday, I had a lovely run and made a great snack of mung bean granola that I’ve decided to call #mungyum.  I think it’ll be my handle for everything delish that I make for this spring.  After I stuffed my face (as I said I would!) I sat in my lab.  Some new incense from the Indian market on Ludlow and 13th Floor from Outkast’s old-old album found me decidedly comfortable and at peace. 
Much of my day was spent in silence, which is unusual for me since I live by music.  But the sun, the birds, the sounds of construction from the next street over all seemed like music enough for me.
As the daughter of a musician, I have a decided love for the beats that help my soul resonate.  I grew up with music, and by that I mean that there was always music playing in the house.  I don’t remember a single day of my childhood that didn’t include either Mama’s game, Name This Tune, or Papa riffing some chords on a guitar, a bass, the drums, a keyboard, saxophone, my clarinet. 
Maybe that’s one of the reasons I don’t have a television, or consider it when I’m wondering what to do with myself.  I just put on some tunes and vibe, much like other folks turn on the boob tube and let the craft of others take them to another place.  That’s exactly what happens with me and music.

It nourishes me.  Music sustains me.  I relate songs to certain moments in my life, and find a way to understand what’s happening through the music I’m listening to.  It’s one of the reasons I’m so charged when it comes to what I’m listening to.  When I get in Loretta (my Honda, remember) at 0540 every morning for the drive to the office, the music I choose seems to set the tone for the day.  Maybe it’s because I’m an artist.  Maybe it’s because I grew up with tunes.  I’m not sure.  But I know that it keeps me in the same way as I expect it keeps others – whole, alive, decidedly complete.  

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