

I’ve been wrestling with what I should write for the last post of my month of gratitude.  There are still countless folks who I haven’t featured, moments that have shaped and impacted my life; lessons that I’ve learned that I want to tap out.  But February is a short month!  And so, I can only know that what I’ve written in these twenty eight days has been … enough.

Today marked a return to spring in my space.  I bought a few annuals that will bloom and die; cleaned the dust and the cobwebs from corners I’ve ignored since winter began; reorganized, repurposed, revamped.  It felt good to get into the grit of what winter meant for me, my life, and my space; but more so, to begin exploring what spring will hold.
I think the most important realization I’ve come to with this month of posting about moments and folks who mean something is that … by and large, there are too many to count.  With that comes the realization that I’ve been blessed.  Good folks, great times, wonderful lessons.
With that in mind, I returned to an old Mobb Deep album today; this track is one that I hadn’t really listened to since the album dropped in 2004.  The beats always put me in mind of Juice, which makes me think of East Hill, which makes me think of my first metamorphosis.  I didn’t set out today to listen to Mobb Deep; it just happened on my run that I transitioned from Z Ro to something to something else and then landed on Mobb Deep.  These cuts.  Holy fuck.  Took me right back to the days I was rolling that piece of shit car with a couple of 12s in the back and a woofer to handle it all. Those were some of my most treasured days, as much because I was relearning what it means to be whole as because well ... I was learning.  I guess that’s enough affirmation that what I’m doing is leading me in the right direction.
So with that, the final post for this month of grace finds me in a decidedly welcomed space.  My rambling flat is squeaky clean, I’ve just made some vata-pitta conducive foods, and I’m sitting to pages.  Not exactly the most glamorous way to spend a Saturday night, but exactly where I need to be. 

What will the theme be for next month?  Stay tuned!  Come back tomorrow and find out!

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