
Four Days to Go

This month of gratitude inspired posts is quickly coming to an end.  It’s wild to consider that I’ve been at this theme for this many days, and I still have so many instances to discuss, so many folks to thank, so many moments to relive.

I think one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned during February is that while, by and large, the world is full of degenerative fucks and assholes who don’t care a damn for anyone but themselves, I’ve been graced and blessed with a variety of wonderful people and beautiful instances to which I can return when things seem bleak.

Surely, there have been some dark moments in life.  I wrote about one of them a few weeks ago, and
others still haunt me in my sleep.  It would be so easy to pick out all of the evil and let it take hold of me. I think that’s what happens to a lot of people; the heavy days begin seeming so much more impacting, and folks forget to let in the light. But there have also been some exceptionally fantastic moments in my life as well.  And it seems way more productive to focus on the sunrise than the sunset.  So sappy, I know. 

But vibe with me for a second.

If one refuses that way of thinking, that is if one wants to live in the light, then the dark ultimately
becomes a misnomer, an off thought, something that comes and goes, passing as quickly as it arrives. 
Now, I’m not one for standard logic, but it seems to me that living in this way is way more beneficial than the latter.  I mean, who the fuck wants to walk around stoop-shouldered and miserable all the time?  It has to suck ass.  I, for one, want to see the light, feel the love, to know that what I’m experiencing and doing is going to have a positive impact on others around me. 

Maybe I’m just super granola in this idea.  Or maybe I’m just over the idea of being salty all the time. Not sure.  But I am sure that if what I’m doing inspires even one human, than it all makes sense, and it’s all worth it.

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