
Write On!

Yesterday, I received an email from an undergraduate student who has been given an assignment to seek out and interview writers of flash fiction.  She came across one of my pieces online and wants to interview me for a podcast.
I scanned the email after having just paid an astronomical fine at the library and thought surely she’d sent it to the wrong person.  Interview me?  For a podcast?  As Anya says, what in the what what?  I reread the email once back in the lab, and was delightfully surprised to find that she really had my read my piece, Bridle, and wanted to talk about it.

I’m not sure what to call the moment - #writerpaycheck comes to mind, as does #yesthisishappening …. It’s just wild to think that some young woman at a university states away found my writing, thought enough of it to seek me out, and wants to interview me about my process.  It was as if … no it is as if these days, countless hours I spend in my lab, tapping the truths of the world really are worth it.  Of course, it’s not fame and fortune I’m after – I’m a fucking writer after all, but it’s the recognition, the opportunity to change the course of one person’s life.  It seems I’ve succeeded in doing so.  Today, I am so grateful for this opportunity, not only to share with a stranger the ways in which I go about my craft, but also the idea that what I’m doing really is making some kind of difference.  


  1. The Writer's reward is more often mental and spiritual satisfaction than money. We write for the love of the Art!

  2. Writer's paycheck! Hooray! This is wonderful!
