
Back In Time

Well, the second Sunday of the New Year is almost done.  I’ve been very cognizant of the ways in which I spent my time in these eighteen days of 2015.  I think I’ve been spending them the right way – in my lab and in my kitchen.  Lately, the two may as well be synonymous. 

Anya told me to keep cooking because it serves me.  Truly, it is a form of meditation that I find to be incredibly relaxing and joyful.  Making the granola, my newest cookie creation, that strange hybrid spaghetti squash curry stew – all of these actions continue to encourage the idea that time is most graciously spent when one is doing what she loves.

So.  Speaking of time.  Look at this loaf of bread that arrived in the mail!  Isn’t it a beaut?  

My friend baked it for me AND then mailed it.  Bread and mail?  Yes please, all day.  The point of sharing this loaf is that it struck me, as I was unravelling the layers of foil, that the time it took to make the bread is the same sort of thing as the time it takes to create art, write a short story, run a half marathon.  When we are engaged in the activities that serve us, that better us as humans and advance our personal paths, well then, we’re spending time the right way. 

Sometimes, as a writer, a runner, weight lifter and human, I start to feel guilty about not being out more, engaging with folks, doing social sorts of things.  I know I spend a fuck-ton of time in my lab, but that’s what serves me right now.  It’s where I do me.  It’s a lot of time, and it’s surely an investment, but it’s the 401k of my future.  With that, I’m off to stuff my face.  Vegan grilled cheese, anyone?

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