
Smile and Dance

I’ve discussed in earlier posts my love for postcards and all things mail related (minus bills, of course) and look what I received in the mail!  

Voyin sent me a collection of postcards and a sticket boot.  Of the six that he sent me, this one is my favorite.  It combines my love of mail, cats and Jappa speak all in one.  Isn't it gorgeous?  I like the  way the kitty looks so stoic, so calm and collected even though the world around her is blending into chaos.  Much like the cat on this handcrafted postcard, I often feel like I'm standing in a sea of confusion.  This image reminds me of Ganesh, strangely enough.  

Voyin’s gift, thoughtfulness, and introspection into that which I hold dear reminds me that for all the time I spend in front of a machine, fine-tuning my words, there are folks who recognize that what I’m doing is what I need to be doing, and that my time in my lab is well worth all of it. 

Over the last few days, I’ve been repeating a mantra to Ganesh.  Ganesh is a super cool Hindu deity, easily recognized as “The Elephant God” in western culture.  As the remover of obstacles and the purveyor of truth and wisdom, Ganesh has long held an important place in my spiritual practice.  I see him as a timeless deity, much like the cat on the postcard that Voyin sent – stoic, but lovable and full of magic.  So during times of transition, change, and general unrest, I turn to Ganesh with his grandfatherly presence and seek a little clarity.  Even though the answers he offers aren’t always immediately present, I know that in time, that which I seek will become clear. 

The mantra I’ve been repeating is, “Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha.”  The word Gum is Ganesh’s biji mantra, or his secret power sound and I just love that.  It’s like he’s a modern-day super hero! Ganapatavei is another name for Ganesh, and Namaha can loosely be translated as, “Yo, Ganesh!  You da God!”  Doesn’t that just make you smile and want to dance?  

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