
Monday's Mantra - Sleep!

Over the weekend, I spent some time at Ghost’s house while he took Evie, the mastiff-pit puppy to puppy school.  Beef and No-No were both home.  For the entire time I was there, they both slept!  Talk about missing out on quality time with Auntie Jess. 

Clearly, they needed their rest, and while I sat with my pages and tried to figure out what I’m doing for the upcoming week, I started to consider rest.  It’s no secret I’m a big fan of sleep.  I can fall asleep most anywhere, and often take quick naps at my office.  But staying asleep, having restful and restorative time is a rarity.  I fall asleep easily, sure, but that’s about it.  Usually, I get about two hours into a sleep and wake up, thinking about all the other things I should be doing with my time. 

Of course, this is a huge issue in my world.  I need rest to recuperate from my long training sessions and to separate myself from the incessant task lists that I create for myself.  But, it seems sleep is in vain.  I regularly am awake from 1 until 3 in the morning, only to drift off and find myself startled by my four am alarm.  So, while at Ghost’s house, I was envious of Beef and NoNo, and their ability to turn off their minds.  

Sure, they’re only 18 months and (almost) seven, respectively, but still.  Maybe they know something I don’t, or something I’ve forgotten in this thirty some-odd journey of life.

So this week, I’m going to try to channel my nephews.  Try to be zen.  Embrace sleep and know that it isn’t a waste of time, but rather – a restorative journey that my body needs.

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