
Time, A Relative of Success

... a wise man once told me - "The extra mile is never overcrowded"
True story.  I feel like I'm looking down the lane of my extra mile right now.  And he's right, it's not overcrowded.  Hell, it's not even populated.  But, that seems to be where I am in this life right now, and I'm okay with that.

If schedules keep the world moving, then I don’t want to see a world without one.  I liken myself as a granola sort of chick, one who goes with the flow and is fairly ready to accept life as it happens.  I say that, but in reality, I pine for strict blocks of times dedicated to particular things.  Saturdays are particularly intense for me for a number of reasons.
Firstly, I feel like a Saturday should be jovial, being that it’s the first of the weekend and all.  It’s supposed to be a day of fun in my book.  I remember years ago, Ismail used to call me every Saturday morning while he cleaned his place, and I mine, and then we would hike in the woods for a while.  It was glorious, and everything a Saturday should be.  Now, almost ten years later, I return to that experience, seeking something the same.
These days, Saturdays are different.  I wake early, just as if it were a work day, and hit the gym for an hour run and then a long lifting session.  Willi recently joined my gym so there’s the opportunity to spend more time with her which is always awesome and welcomed in my book, but different since it’s long been my time away.
So, after that intense session, I usually come home and nap.  Silly, I know, but I’ve just pushed my body intensely, and I need a rest.  So nap and then cleaning, like I used to do with Ismail on the other line, except there’s no phone attached to my ear, and the flat I’m cleaning is different. 
Usually, I have to talk myself out of a second gym session at this point and turn to some reading.  Graduate student or no, I need a bit of time to unwind.  By evening, I’m ready for pages and my lab.  Sitting here cozy, good tunes and a candle burning, I have trouble thinking of anywhere else I’d rather be … until
Until I start to think about the rest of the world and how they’re out doing things with people and being social and wonderful.  And all I can think is that I can’t afford the time to spend with anyone because I have these fantastic deadlines I’ve set for myself for this year.  So.

Saturday passes and becomes Sunday.  I’m never sure what Sunday holds.

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