
Sunday Funday

Sunday.  This is the traditional day of rest.  I find myself wound tightly, consistently glancing at the clock, wondering what the week will hold.  I’ve made excellent use of my time today, but still.  It’s a battle of wills, the dance between the weekend ending and the work week starting. 

What a weekend.  I spent time with Rubin on Friday, and helped him create this intention board.  I also birthed a flax pizza, which turned out better than expected.  I made the crust from flax meal, some spices and water, made the sauce earlier in the week and topped it with pan seared zucchini and asparagus.  Rubin brought some gouda, so I added that along with some gorgonzola.  It was delish!  And it was a great exercise in the correct use of time.  Sure, there were other things I might’ve been doing with my Friday night, like writing and working, but spending time with a friend who needed a bit of help trumped all of those other potential commitments.

Spending the better half of yesterday with my youngest nephew was a deviation from my typical Saturday, but also a great way to spend my time.

Fast forward to today, and I’m feeling pleased and happy with the ways I chose to advance myself as a human, a woman, and a writer.

Today, I achieved a personal best on my squats, 145 pounds for five sets of five!  I improved my foot game with my jump rope, since I’ve declared 2015 to be the year of the rope, and now I have the rest of the afternoon to write.   
Last night, I bowed out of meeting up with girlfriends for drinks and a comedy show because I needed the time to sit with myself, write out Thig’s list, listen to Mozart, make soup and work on my manuscript.  As of late, I have started to accept the fact that this is a solitary voyage I’m on.  And that’s okay, but it’s also lonely at times.

While I’m naturally an introvert (aren’t all creatives?) I still love time out.  But, lately, the time out has been a mess because I find myself pulled back to the lab, my words, projects and ideas.  I am seeking something greater than what this is right now.  I know that means that I’ll be alone for much of the time, but if it helps me achieve my goals, then it’s worth it, right?

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