
Rush Rush

Instead of rushing out of bed Saturday morning, I languished in my covers.  Watched Amelie and marveled at the strength and tenacity of the human spirit.  Allowed myself the time to simply be instead of crafting my to-do list, trying to get a jump start on the day.
What is a jump start, really?  Who am I beating if I hop out of bed in the morning instead of taking a few small moments to simply say hello – both to the world and to myself?  It’s possible that I’m not winning anything by doing that, and maybe instead, I’m sabotaging something.  Strong word, I know.  But hear me out.
Rushing out of bed, furiously flying through a morning to get to the next step does what?  Proves I’m efficient at my routine, and that I can manage time well.  But it doesn’t mean that I’m making myself any better by doing it.  If anything, I am wont to work myself into a tizzy these days if my schedule, the way I block out my time, doesn’t go exactly as planned.
I know I need to be less rigid about time, unless I’m on the pavement pounding miles.  In those hours, time is really important.  But a weekend morning, when I have the wonderful opportunity to simple be should be okay.  I say should because even while watching the film, I was thinking in the back of my mind of everything else I could be doing.  But you know what?  I was infinitely more productive and at peace the rest of Saturday simply because I allowed myself those two hours. 

The lesson from Saturday morning was and is that I should learn to appreciate these kinds of moments.  Not just for the inactivity of them, but for the activity that they encourage.  (and, Amelie is a wonderful film that is so underrated!)

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