
Wrapping Up

Sunday Summary

Wow-wow-wow. This week starts the wedding season for which I have been eager awaiting! Ghost gets married this coming Saturday and Willis will say her vows two weeks after that. Eeek. It’s all so exciting and it feels like it’s happening so quickly. I’m sure it doesn’t for them, since they’ve been planning for months, but for me, it seems like it’s all gone by so fast.
This week saw the rise of a new manuscript. Huzzah. It’s about fucking time that I started writing something new. I’ve been super focused on my creative thesis that new work has largely gone by the wayside. So the beginnings of this new work have been a nice reminder that yep, I am a writer, and I can think of new things to write about!

My show is in too few days to give a number. I have no idea where this prep went, or if I’m even as ready as I want to be. It’s been rough these last few weeks digging deep enough to find the resolve to keep sweating and training, cutting and keeping my eye on the stage. But with the help of a fantastic support system, I’ve managed to rally and will be competing soon. There will be a Sunday Summary in a few weeks that says something like, “Show’s over. Off season. Time for pizza and wine.” What I’m learning is that this first prep is going to be the hardest because this is all new, and the preps following this one will be easier because I’ll know what to expect. So I’m trying not to be too hard on myself. Like Ghost said, this first show is just a rough draft. How very poetic coming from my engineer brother.

Maybe the most fantastic and exciting news from this week is that I get to see Efed for Thanksgiving! It all happened so fast on Friday – she and I were messaging about holiday plans and I told her that I had a few days off … and next thing I knew I have a ticket booked to Germany to spend some time with her. I cannot wait! She’s training for her first half right now, so I’m hoping we’ll get in some good cold weather runs. Yay for sister time. 

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