
Worth the Wait

Fabulous Friday

Um, I know I’m super late to this party, but I’m finally getting around to reading Beautiful Ruins. Whoa! Not only do the author and I share a name (which immediately makes the novel awesome) but Jess Walter writes in the way that I hope to develop. The work is easy to read, engaging, moving, captivating … and the story is just phenomenal. It’s the kind of book that I stay up way too late reading, hungry for every single page, which is exactly what’s happened almost every day this week. I’m flying through the narrative, but I’m trying to savor it too. I think that’s the hallmark of a real page-turner.

Not only are her characters true to life, complex and dynamic, but I find myself relating to them, even if there are few surface similarities. It’s clear that she’s done her field work – ok, maybe she hasn’t spent time in Italy, but the work sure reads like she has.

Since graduation is on my mind so much (and the countdown ticker shows less than a month until I’m hooded with my Master’s ribbons) I’ve been giving though to the ways that I can improve my work. It will do me little good to sit inside working on words if I’m not out living life. I feel like I’ve said no to so many social events the last two years because I’ve been so pressed to complete this degree on time and stay on target. Now, I’m eager to get out and live a little. If I’m not having new experiences, then what’s there to write about?

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