
Miles to Go

It has long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things. – Elinor Smith

Boom. What?! Where have these words been my whole life?! Not only do Smith’s words epitomize everything I try to do, all that I preach and exactly how I want to live, that someone else has had this same thought also offers me validation and pause.  I’m in an interesting place in my life right now – I graduate my Master’s next month, and in the span of a few short weeks, I’ve seen my brother and one of my best friends be married. A lot of the goals that I set for myself in the beginning of 2015 are coming to a head – I’ve published my first book, got a handle on my eating, ramped my training, and have generally aimed to be happy. All fine and well, and a pat on my back for sure. 

But it’s not enough, and I know it won’t be enough for quite some time. Each goal I achieve opens the door to a new goal that I want to surmount, a finish line to cross, award to win … whatever it is, there’s excellence out there in the world to be had and I am going to have it! It would be super easy for me to be scared out of my fucking mind about what’s going to happen in 2016; and there’s a lot of truth in the fact that I am pretty well unnerved. I have no real concrete plan; just a general idea of what I think might happen. My list of things I want, and goals I have is miles long though, so I guess that’s a good starting point. 

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