

Fabulous Friday

This is always one of my favorite posts to write. Friday marks the end of the workweek, a step away from Dental World, and a chance to breathe. It also offers a bit of introspection, no matter what's happened in the last seven days since my previous post.

What a week. As I continue to prep for graduation and realize that life outside of my MFA is going to happen SOON, I am faced with certain challenges. Applying for my PhD and looking forward is on the forefront of my mind, so I've been trying to move with intent and purpose. Also, the realization that my time in the Nati might be coming to an end is ever-present as well. With that in mind, I've come to terms with the fact that each day is only what I make it. So ... I can either allow my constantly pressing schedule to bog me down, or I can embrace the chaos, love the chance to change and just flow.

I've decided that embracing the change is much less stressful and ultimately way more fulfilling than trying to adhere to silly time slots in my Google Calendar. Take today for example ...
Absolutely NOTHING happened the way I planned. I was at Dental World almost three hours longer than I anticipated, which threw off my entire afternoon. Instead of becoming frustrated and annoyed, I took it for what it was - a chance to perfect my dental skills and keep on moving. I got to Beat late, but ended up having one of my best ass-to-grass squat days that I've had in a while. And after training, instead of retreating to my lab to work and write my words, I went for Happy Hour with the Beat crew ... and ended up having a fantastic evening! Proof that moving with the current can be far more beneficial than trying to fight it all of the time.

Ghost said something to me the other day that's really resonated with this approach. He said, "Def. You gotta decide whether it's gonna make you better or bitter. And if you took it all away - all the pain and struggle - would you still have yourself? You can't become the pain and the struggle. Gotta stay you." Damn my brother is a fucking genius. Big ups, bro.

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