
Stacking Trunks

Trousseau – the clothes, household linen, and other belongings collected by a bride for her marriage

No, don’t freak out. I’m not getting married.

I have a trousseau of memories I’ve been collecting since I was a teenager. When I removed myself from the Nati for my exile to the North, I left the trunk with Ghost for safekeeping and because it’s fucking heavy and there was no way I could move it. When I would return home on occasion, I would make deposits into my trunk, thinking there would likely be a day at some point I’d go through it to rediscover my treasures. I’ve been home for a while now and all I’ve managed to do is ADD to it. There’s just so much in there, so many memories to examine, moments to relive, and ultimately decisions to make about whether or not anything is worth … keeping that the idea of the task has been daunting. It’s on the docket for this autumn though because I plan to take the trunk with me on my next step … allowing it to fill a place as my trousseau – the collection of new items and trinkets of important that I just know I will need on the next phase of my journey.

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