
A Travelin' Train

Tuesday’s Truth

So much better to travel than to arrive, says Atwood. How true her words. I haven’t been traveling as I want, or as I used to, but I’ve been managing to get out and about a bit. I went to Chicago a few months ago and that was a nice reset for me in so many ways. It also left a gaping need to get out more, to see the world and experience new things.

I graduate next month and with the conferring of my degree, now begins the next part of my life. Truth is, I have no fucking idea what the hell I’m doing.  Loosely, I have the framework, the idea of what I want and how I plan to make it happen … but the nitty gritty sorts of plans that I so love to make? Nope. I got nothin’ and it’s a really immobilizing thought. At least, it is at times. 

It’s so easy to allow my focus to become narrowed to the point that I can’t see anything else … travel to work and home, the gym and the market and not see anything else of what my city or the world has to offer. It’s easy to forget that I’ve traveled across the pond and have seen some amazing sights. Maybe the point of Atwood’s words are that the journey should be just as important as the destination. I’m not sure. I know though that stumbling across this phrase reminds me of how much I do love to travel. 

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