
Seneca Abounds

Fabulous Friday

I am so pleased to be able to write that I have officially submitted my Creative Thesis as partial fulfillment for the requirements of my Master’s degree.

I wrote a few posts earlier in the year about the struggles and challenges of formatting my Critical Thesis correctly – I think I got it back three different times before it was officially accepted. This time though … I was smart, and had two screens open and working. I think I have everything correctly formatted and I am hopeful that it will be accepted the first time through. Fingers crossed.
What a deliciously fabulous feeling though to simply format the document … to send off to the Academic powers that be one hundred and forty pages of my newest novel. While writing the abstract, I realized I could describe the work in only 65 words. Ha! I don’t know if that means my 85k plus word manuscript is too long or too short. My dedication of the work is to “the originals – you know who you are. Thank you for giving me your stories.” I hope that when this novel sees the bright lights of a bookstore, the Originals will pick it up and maybe see themselves in the pages. As an ode to Ghost, I selected a Seneca quote for my epigraph. And of course, I dedicated the work to my sibs – without them, I wouldn’t be the woman I am, the writer I am to be, the human I seek to find.

After I formatted and sent off my thesis, I stared at the screen for a while. Not only is this work the real life version of the effort I’ve put forth the last two years, but it’s also something real and tangible that I’ve created from start to finish. It is now a representation of the idea that dreams come to fruition when one is willing to work. After I took a deep breath and said a prayer, I got right back to work.
#ontothenextone #stayhumble #hustlehard

“No man was ever wise by chance.”

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