
May Day!

Today is May Day! Long heralded as the day for workers, it is often so wrapped up in historical political bullshit, that the real significance of the day tends to be lost. For me, May Day represents the need for freedom – not just from oppressive work days (as was shown in history) but also from personal struggles. Yearly, I have greeted May Day with as much trepidation and hope as I have New Year’s Day. In my mind, they are one and the same. It took courage for the workers to demand their rights, just as it takes a fuck-ton of courage for me to begin the posts for this month.

So, with that in mind, May marks the beginning of a new theme for wanderings and musings. This month, I am going to be exploring all things food – meals, being part-time vegan, nutrition, and my fucked up relationship with all things eats related.

As much as the workers of the pages of history fought for their freedom to assemble, I am fighting for my voice to be heard. I need to talk about this – to own my shit and get on with my life. So I’ll just come out and be real. I have an eating disorder, and it’s something I’ve wrestled for many years.
May is going to be emo-filled, to be sure. But it’s going to be true. Honest. And hopefully, I’ll come out the other side free.

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