
Activate MetCon

I cannot wait for today’s sweat. I mentioned yesterday that I’m planning to do a bunch of met-con work while I’m at Res since it’ll be the most efficient use of my time. Today, I’m trying out a met-con that I think is going to just totally kick my ass.
Before Voyin left for Japan, he and I would have amazing sweat sessions on Saturdays. We would do OTM squats, bench, and deads, followed by hanging leg raises, burpees and whatever else we thought sounded like fun. Since his departure, I haven’t done much met-con work, mainly because it sort of just slipped my mind. No longer! Today, I want to channel that wonderful sort of energy we used to create in the Dungeon and really go hard.
I met my calorie goal for Wednesday, so I know I’m well nourished for today’s sweat. If the workout I’ve designed is effective, it will be an easy plug for my time at Spalding. If it’s not great, then at least I have some time to correct it. Either way, I know I have the skill set to make the right changes to achieve the goal I’m seeking.

It’s amazing the way priorities shift and change. This time last year, all I could think about was getting settled – new Nati life, trying to understand my role as a single person again amid a social circle of partnerships. This year, I’m finding myself so much more comfortable in my own skin. I know it has to do, in part, to the physical prowess I’ve been developing. But it also has so much more to do with trusting myself to know what’s best for me. 

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