
A New Kind of List

Residency is going to be here soon and with the excitement that comes from being back in my writer bubble, there is also a significant amount of worry that it causes me. In residencies past, I’ve brought all of my food, along with a hotplate and tried my best to eat something every day. More often than not though, the food went to waste and I just kept restricting.
For this upcoming res, my coach has asked me to write out a list of the reasons that I’m eating more. He thinks that it will help me to remind myself why I want to be healthy, and not get so caught up in the moments. When I explained to him I’m worried about my training schedule on top of the lecture schedule, he told me I go to residency to learn, not exercise. Boom, sure, but that doesn’t change the tricks my mind wants to play.
This week, I’m beginning to think about the food I’ll take to res, the ways I can ensure that my macros and my training stays in check, and the list that I’m to write. As I’ve been chewing this idea (haha, no pun intended) the fundamental reason to which I keep returning is that I want to be healthy. I want to beast my lifts, to run my miles, to live my life in a way that I haven’t been living in so long. I’m going to include one or two items from my list at the end of each of these posts, inasmuch to remind myself as to keep this thought in the forefront of my mind. It’s easier to focus on something when it’s right in front of me instead of tucked away in the cobwebby part of my brain that’s full of other things I don’t want to consider.

I won’t include the prompt for this list in future posts, but it’s here for the start.
I am eating more calories to …
1.      Be healthy

2.      Be able to function at my optimal performance. 

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