
Macro What?

Today I’ve been thinking a lot about nutrition. That I’m moving up with my calories is a wonderful thing, to be sure. My skin and hair and nails are looking better than they have in years (seriously, fucking years) and I have energy like I haven’t known in a long while.
But eating a bunch of calories isn’t going to do me a lick of good if what I’m eating isn’t the right thing. Yesterday afternoon, I skyped with Efed for a bit. It was Mother’s Day, a hard day for us both (and Ghost too) so it was great that we were both able to carve out some time in our schedules to ‘see’ one another. While we were chatting, I realized how insanely hungry I was. I’d already had three meals (I know right?!) but was ready for more food.

So off me and my machine went to the kitchen, chatting all the while with Efed. I showed her what I was preparing – Quorn pieces with spinach and some grains – and that led the conversation to the fact that eating alone isn’t enough.

I’m forcing myself to NOT become obsessed with hitting macro nutrient counts just yet. It will come in time, and I know I’ll be able to work it out the right way. For now, eating my calories is what’s important. But, I’m happy to say that I’ve been almost eating at all of my macro count goals! One step at a time. 

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