
Planning my Plan

Away from the dental world today has offered me some much needed relief. I spent some time figuring out my meal plan for residency and my workouts, and that’s eased a bit of my stress. I know I won’t have my standard two hours a day to devote to a sweat, so I’m going to have to break up my sessions into two (which is fine, since most of my friends graduated last term) and I’ll probably do more met-con work than anything. It’ll be the best use of my time. Having planned out what I’ll eat for the ten days of residency is a relief as well. I’ve looked at the macros and calorie count, and I’ll be right at my goal. One less thing to fret over while I’m there. It will give me time to concentrate on why I’m there, to relish in the wonderful world of writing, and to hopefully begin to feel creatively alive again.

Since this food journey has taken presence in my life, my creative well has well … dried. Coupled with the manic fashion in which I wrote my last novel (six weeks, what?!) I know I need a break from words. I also know that focusing so intently on my health and getting myself back to where I need to be is the right thing to do. But my fingers – o, how they’re itching to tap away. I have written a bit here and there, 5k words last Saturday … but it hasn’t been with the beauty and grace to which I’ve become accustomed since I started my MFA. My gut feeling is that Res will be the reset for me, inasmuch as these last six weeks have been my food reset. I have a vision that come June 1, when I return from res and back into this other world, my eating will be on lock and my Muse will have returned. At least, for now, I have this. 

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