
Crunching the Numbers

Well.  I’m fully engaged in Res life! It’s day three. Hard to believe that this is my second to last time I’ll be this immersed in this wonderful writer world. How have these terms passed me by so quickly? At this point, my fourth term, I have everything down to a pretty decent system. I know I need my rest, I know I need my alone time and I know I need to force myself to be social, too.
I chatted with my Coach yesterday for the first time since Res started. We reviewed my net and average calories for last week, and where I am this week. I have to take a rest day today because my lecture workshop is just too much to fit in exercise (I can’t believe I’m okay with that, but ehh … this is the new Jess, I guess) so Coach and I reviewed the reasons for which I am doing what I’m doing. Mainly, we discussed where I am now and where I need to be in order to compete in November.
My average intake, while up from a month ago (I was at 805) is hovering around 1400. Woo, right?! Yes, but no. I’m only two thirds of where I need to be, calorically, to have enough fuel for my body to train properly. Coach reminded me not to become overwhelmed by this – rather, to be pleased with the progress I’ve made and to understand that this is … a process.
My first inclination, when looking at these numbers, was to freak out. It’s hard to keep a positive outlook when math reels that ugly head. Numbers don’t lie. Don’t soften themselves for the ego. Numbers don’t do anything save present a true and honest expression of what is. After my conversation with Coach, I took a good long look at my body … I’m eating more, but I’m looking better. Veins showing everywhere, ab definition like I’ve never seen, my shoulders looking good.

So what. So eating is good. Food is fuel. Even if my numbers aren’t where they should be, I’m making progress. And what’s more, I’m seeing progress.

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