
Missing and Making Marks

Well. Metcon work totally kicked my ass ...
and it was glorious. I loved every second of it (not totally true - by the third round of my 1st set I was a little annoyed with burpees) and it was exactly what I needed. I warmed up with a 500m row and tried to finish in 2 minutes. I tried FIVE times and every single time, my time changed - 2:05, 2:20 ... I never got to the two minute goal that I set.
Pissed, I went to the stepper to finish out my sweat and tried to unravel why I wanted a two minute split. I'm not a rower, and it really doesn't matter at the end of the day as I'm not planning on entering any rowing contests (is that a thing? I have no idea what the hell to call them). Seventy five flights in, I realized it wasn't so much that I wanted the time of two minutes, but that I wanted to hit my mark, make my goal, accomplish what I set to do.
Well ain't that a bitch. I didn't hit the mark, or make my goal. But I did accomplish what I set to do. I channelled the bullshit of a nonsense day, the stress of prepping for res, along with some lofty upcoming life decisions in a healthy and positive way. Instead of rowing my boat to sea to wallow alone, I put myself smack in the middle of the gym floor, making myself and my goals accountable. So what I didn't get two minutes? Today is another chance to try again.
I grubbed something serious when I got home - protein sludge (don't knock it, google that shit and eat it; it's amazing), five prunes (don't knock that shit either, they're like the granola version of candy) and some Quorn. Sat down with Goldfinch (ehh ... such a long ass book for what seems like a simple story) and enjoyed every bite of my meal. Didn't even think about logging until I was finished and it was time to clean up.
I plugged everything into my tracker app and guess what. I went over by TEN calories of my 1400 mark. Ha! How utterly fantastic.
So. I missed my row time - semi annoying but not the end of the world. I missed my calorie mark - super fantastic, but NOT the end of the world either.

Is this what progress feels like?

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