

Residency starts tomorrow. I think I’m ready. I’m pretty sure I am. Everything is packed, all of my food is prepared and I’m to the point that if I don’t have something ready, then I’ll just have to wing it.
I guess in a way, prep for this residency has been so intense because of the pressures I’m putting on myself to keep on track. I’ve come a long fucking way since last November and I want to keep at it. Having clearly defined goals and having everything mapped out will be helpful. I’m sure there are going to be moments during these next ten days where I want to throw in the towel – the pressures of lectures, fitting in my sweats and being out of my element will be a challenge. But. If I know and believe anything about myself, it’s that I can do this.
Ghost stopped by tonight to grab a key to my spot. He’s going to care for my plants while I’m away. We had one of those brother sister conversations that we used to have so often when we lived together, but that rarely happen these days because we’re both so busy. Though none of the conversation surrounded anything food related, much of what we discussed revolved around the past, our ghetto upbringing, the impact that made on us, and the ways in which we are actively working to repair the damage and lead healthy lives. In many ways, even though we weren’t talking about food, we were talking about healing. And today, that means just about the same thing.

Right. So time for reading and rest … I’ll need it if I’m going to crush it tomorrow.

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