
Walking on a Wire

Thursday's Thought

This about sums up what I’m doing right now.

I wrote about my ass-to-grass squat progression last Saturday and how it’s scary and hard to trust that my legs are strong enough to descend and drive back up with mad weight balanced across my back. Even scarier is the idea that believing in what I’m doing, and trusting that I know what’s best is going to facilitate the kind of future I want for this life.
Emerson, in all his wisdom, said that “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” I guess we all have that choice, every single day. Wake up with promise and excitement or wake up with dread – it’s a decision that’s made the moment our eyes open. Might not be conscious all of the time, but when we begin to actively decide to make the choice to approach the day every day like we’re one step away from success and suddenly … the days begin to seem different. Shitty annoyances are still shitty but they’re less impacting.
I wake up super early for Dental World. And for the last eighteen months, every single day my alarm has sounded, I’ve been annoyed. Annoyed that I’m not further along in a sustainable, paying writer gig, annoyed that it’s early and I can’t sit at my screens and tap, annoyed that I have to do … well, everything. But that’s helped me achieve little except for a dislike for mornings. And that’s insane because I love my mornings, like something serious. Actively being grateful, remembering that all of these little things add up to something big, and knowing that each step I take is getting me where I need to go is not only helpful but at this point it’s damn well mandatory. It gets tiring being tired all the time.
So, I’m leaping. Who’s in? 

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