
Heading on Home

Hiraeth – homesickness tinged with grief or sadness over the lost or departed

Residency starts in just a few short days, and with it is bound to come some feelings of hiraeth. Sure, Spalding isn’t my physical home but it has been my creative home for the last two years. I’ve made excellent friends and forged connections with fellow creatives while rambling the streets of Louisville that I can’t help but already feel a bit nostalgic for those I’ve met and who have graduted and gone on for other quests. It’s too easy to be sad when I should be so happy – I’m graduating in a few weeks! I guess since I know that this is the last time I’ll be making the drive to Fourth Street as a student of the program, I can’t help but feeling some premature longing. 

Like I already know how much I’m going to miss the vertigo that comes from the elevators at The Brown, or listening to Sena’s Welcome Home speech, Lady A’s infectious laugh, or any of the other small touches of humanity I’ve managed to discover during my tenure with the program. So sure, I’ve never actually LIVED in Louisville, but it is home to me … just as much as I’ve made Regent a home, or the Pond a resting place. I’m sure I’l lbe back at some point – as a Post-Grad helper, or a speaker, or something, but it won’t ever be the same. I guess that’s part of what hiraeth is all about … and I guess it’s okay to feel this way.

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