

Tuesday Truth

I got an email the other day from Anya. In it, she wrote about not taking anything for granted these days. Holy shit, I thought, that’s exactly where I am! Tuesday traffic is always annoying because I go into Dental World later, so there are more folks doing exactly what I’m doing – we’re fighting the tide of cars and vans, all trying to jostle into lanes and get to our offices. My commute can be so taxing that I often wish I had to go in at my usual time instead of being able to sleep in. After I received Anya’s email, I was sitting in Tuesday traffic, getting frustrated and wanting to be anywhere but stuck in a traffic jam that had no beginning, end, or discernible cause. But then I thought about Anya’s words and …
It’s amazing. Like every single minute of every day is a gift – it sounds cliché as fuck, but it’s true. Even though there were countless other things I wanted to be doing, I tried to wu-sah myself into a place that was appreciative and grateful. So, I thought about all the things that sitting in traffic could bring me. The negatives were easy to call to mind since I was already grumpy. But it wasn’t until I started thinking about the positives – I have a job, a car, and the ability to work, among others – that a decided sort of peace came over me. it’s as if the traffic jam parted and I could see my way. Ok, that didn’t really happen, but the sentiment remains the same.

It’s too damn easy to forget, to overlook, and to ignore the blessings in life. To concentrate and focus on all the shitty parts, and to call to mind my frustrations instead of my gifts. Gratitude is something I’ve written about frequently this year, but I’m human and I forget to practice what I preach from time to time. It’s as if the Universe knew I needed to hear this lesson … and presented it at exactly the right time. 

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