
It's Almost Time

Ephemeral – lasting for a very short time

If I say that graduate school was ephemeral, I wouldn’t be wrong. It seemed like an infinite stretch of time when I started my program two years ago, and yet here it is, the last few days of my final residency. What in the what what? Where did time flutter off to, and how can I get off this crazy train? Ehh, okay, I don’t think I really want to stop time; I’ve earned this after all. 

But sheesh. 

Two years – gone just like that. I’ve been considering what I’ve managed to accomplish as a graduate student – two manuscripts of full length novel work, a few chapbooks, this blog, and a handful of readings isn’t that bad, considering everything else I’ve had going on over these 24 months. Of course, I want it to be more, and I will always work for more. As I prep for graduation on Saturday, I am allowing myself a few rare moments of self-appreciation. Sure, this journey has been ephemeral, but it’s been impacting, and has developed me as an author, a novelist, a poet … and most notably, as a human. 

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