

Mellifluous – sweet or musical; pleasant to hear

I try to always be listening to something when I’m at Regent, putzing around my space or working in my lab. At the gym, my headphones are forever in, and my tunes are tuned up loud! There are just certain combinations of notes that make me want to smile, to dance, sing along and find the good in the world and not the bad. That’s the intent of music, right?

It’s even more fantastic when I find a person in this world who triggers this sort of feeling in me simply by speaking. Voice is so important in judging the sincerity and truth of a person’s intent and desires. I guess this is why any more, I’d rather speak on the phone than send endless messages back and forth. Words are too easy to misconstrue and to misread. Efed’s voice is pretty pleasant most of the time, unless it’s a moment in which she doesn’t have time, and then it’s all Bye Felicia. Those who are near and dear to me have a way of triggering something when I hear their voices – just like when I hear a favorite song. Pleasant, calming, sweet. Their voices are the music to my soul

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