
Birthday Wish

Friday Feature

Look at this dapper-ass dude.
Pretty boss, right?

Today is Ghost's birthday! He's officially completed his first year of his thirties, and he's done a great job of showing what it means to kick ass and take names.
Not only did he get engaged to this gorgeous lady, but he's also halfway through his first year of an MBA.
As with Efederal, I think of Ghost as one of my best friends. I'm so blessed to have such close relationships with my siblings. Last weekend, Efed and I hung out with Ghost and two of his four boys, enjoying everything that comes with kids under the age of 8. Lots of fart and butt jokes, silly knock-knock questions ... the usual.
It was lots of fun and incredibly exhausting. I have no idea how he does it. No, really. I don't know how he manages school, work, four boys and being a loving partner to Michee. It amazes me he's able to hold it all together, and even more so, that he does it with grace and charm. I hope this thirty first year will be as boss as his thirtieth!

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