
Rerack. Reset. Repeat

Fitness Friday

So this cat unicorn meme is pretty fucking boss, right? I've been staring at it all week long. Every time I do, I see something else that makes me chuckle. 
Already we're in the third quarter of the year and with that, I’m finding myself returning to a reset sort of mind. The first quarter – January through March – was inadvertently dedicated to me getting my bearings on the New Year. My attention was on setting routines, establishing hard limits for myself and generally beginning to understand what it means to truly navigate waters alone. The second quarter allowed me the opportunity to reexamine my intent with my writing and my fitness. Now that I have both of those realms under wraps, it seems only logical that I begin again at the beginning.
July marks a return for me to a modality that started with Voyin in the spring of ’14. I’m finding myself stepping right back into HIIT training, (weighted box jumps anyone?) unassisted hand stands, all things kettlebells and of course, all things heavy. When Voyin and I trained together, there was always the unspoken challenge to see who could do more, with better form, for longer. Of course, he largely won those contests – there’s a reason his name means Warrior, duh. The silent and good natured, well-meaning competition was always enough to keep pushing me further, to test my own limits. Even though we’re not training together any longer, I’m finding myself tapping right back into that mindset. I’ve even started to hear him encouraging me; that particular way he used to say Jessay is imprinted in my mind and I hear it just about every time I pick up a kettlebell.
My love for deadlifts and squats are no secret, to be sure … and with that love comes a particular mindset. Voyin taught me to approach training the same way I approach writing – break it down into small, manageable chunks and then attack each chunk with zeal and frenzy. So that’s exactly what I’m doing.
With that in mind, I’ve set some pretty lofty lifting goals for this month. 275 on my deads is probably insane, and I might not make it, but there’s no harm in trying if I train right, eat well, recover as I should. Bench sucks because well, fuck bench, but I set a good triple digit number goal for that too. It’s only the third day, but my mind is on #rerack #reset #repeat.

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