
Sine Qua Non

Wednesday’s Word

I came across this Latin phrase recently and was surprised that I couldn’t translate it. Even more, I was surprised that I had never run across it.

Sine qua non refers to something which is indispensable, an essential action, condition or ingredient. Originally a legal term, the origins of the phrase can be interpreted to include the idea that there is an action without which something could not be … or without which, there is nothing.

Talk about a boss ass phrase, right!? Since stumbling across it, I’ve started to consider those things in my life which are indispensable, essential … actions, conditions, ingredients that make my life whole, vibrant and well, live-able.
Obviously, it should go without mentioning that sweat session and my machine to tap out truths and words are essential ingredients that make my life tick. Conditions like sleep and feeding are important too. What’s stumped me with this phrase, in considering my life, are the actions which are necessary to keep things moving along as I expect and want.
This train of thought led me to examine what exactly and action is … and how good ol’ MW defines it. More so, I wanted to understand the root of the word. An action, according to Merriam Webster is –

(But wait. First, can’t you totally picture me completely geeking out over the etymology of these words? Pouring over internet pages, one link leading to the next, getting all sorts of linguistically excited? Yeah, that’s about how it happened!)

Right, so. MW defines an action as the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim. An aim can be interpreted to mean as having an intent to achieve. Well hmm. Word circle, what?! So, if an action is a process set about to something, and that something is an aim or a target, that means that there are so many things in my life, wait, daresay I use the word actions in my life that are motivated by the need and desire to achieve. This blog, for example is motivated by the idea that I can write a post every day for a year. Is it necessary for my life? Ehh. Maybe not.

(So at this point, picture me scratching my head, wondering exactly what sorts of actions are totally and completely, one hundred percent entirely necessary to and for my life. Right.)

After much thought, and some good old-fashioned Kundalini kriya meditation, I realized what is necessary for every single day is the capacity to love. To forgive. To enjoy the moments that these days have to offer. Sappy, I know, but when I examine it critically, this is the result I’ve achieved. It seems, then, that the sine qua non of my days, ultimately flourishes into seeking knowledge and understanding, knowing and appreciating intent and motivation. Zen, right. #satnam

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