
A Painter's Gift

Thursday’s Thought

Every morning, I wake up to this.

Without my glasses, I can't exactly make out the halo of golden truth that crests above her head, or the brilliant use of the shades of blue that the artist used to suggest the moon. But what I can - and do - see every morning is grace, joy and truth.
This painting, "Mi Corazon" is a piece done by David Gerena, an internationally known artist. I'm fortunate that my life path has led this amazing artist into my life, and even more so that I get to look at one of his amazing creations every day. 
The simplicity of this work is one of the major appeals for it. It calls to mind the idea that creativity - that is, the true mark of a creative, is something that, when done well, seems effortless. Flawless. Complete. I'm not sure how long Gerena worked on this particular painting, but I'm certain that if he's like most artists, the original sketch probably saw a few different incarnations before this finished product.
The other reason I just adore waking up to this painting is because it sets the tone for my day. It reminds me that even with the other gigs I'm hustling, writing is my true art and calling. So I might be fetching off to the gym, or to Dental World, but what resides in mi corazon, what keeps me coming back to the page every single day is knowing that one day, if I'm fortunate enough, my work will be on the bookshelves of my readers ... much like this painting hangs on the space of my wall. #perservernce #getaftergettingafterit #wordygirl


1 comment:

  1. Almost 10pm. Just got home from the studio, I strive to be hung amongst the great ones one day, I find just as important to me is that the art I create touches someone's soul. Thank you.
