
Butterflies and Cake

Thursday’s Tribute

Sometimes, unexpected joy comes in the briefest and simplest moments.
Today, I went for my mail, expecting bills and bullshit and was delightfully surprised to find a note from sweet Willis. It was an alphabet themed card that she’d taken the liberty of adding to, and it was just perfect. Everything I needed after the kind of day I had.
While it’s been comfortable to a fault to remain as isolated as I have been over these last few months, I know that it’s time to emerge. My work has progressed to the point that I’ve found a rhythm with my words; I can manage my time well and I know how to make it work – finally. It’s taken a while, and I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I’m content with the way things are moving. That’s not to say there isn’t more growth to be had, or dreams to achieve, but that I feel confident that I’m heading in the right direction. (Thoreau, anyone?)
Maya Angelou once said something like, Everyone remarks on the beauty of the butterfly, but no one thinks of the changes she endured. I’m not saying I’m a butterfly, but I sure as hell am no longer a caterpillar. If these months of lab work and quiet nights have taught me anything, it’s that everything I come back to – the memories I rely on to keep me strong and the folks who keep me going – are made in small sunlight summer moments like this evening.

Big ups, Willis. I’ll most certainly bake you that cake. 

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