
What Up, Universe

Tuesday’s Truth

Yesterday, I learned that a plan I’d put into motion won’t be coming to fruition after all. This is on the heels of some frustrating news last week. The combo has me feeling like either I’m not clear enough with my plans and intent, or the Universe is gently nudging me in another direction. There’s that saying, “If your key doesn’t fit, then it’s not your door.” Hard truth, but real talk. This is where my mind was today as I woke, said my prayers and moved about my morning.
So there I was in Loretta driving on 71, thinking about my path and my progress and what I can actively be doing RIGHT FUCKING NOW to make things happen. I was getting shitty with myself for not doing enough, trying enough, being enough.  And out of nowhere this X5 appeared.
Super fresh. Not fresh like my sweet Loretta, but with curtains and feet flashy enough to make anyone a little envious. I’m generally not a fan of Beamers; the car looked nice enough, but I’m generally a Benz girl. Give me CLK over an X5 any day. Coincidentally, Ghost used to drive an X5, which seems important to me for some reason.
I digress.
Point is, this X5 had vanity plates that said, “Prove It.” Dang.

I like to make plans; I like thinking about how I’m going to execute said plans; and I like it even more when the plans pan out. I’m a dreamer, through and through. I think what the Universe was reminding me this morning is that it’s all fine and well to make all the damn plans in the world, but until I jump my ass in the water, none of them mean shit.  I have to prove it. Boom.
Ry hit me with this quote today during routine Africa to Ohio email exchange. He knows that shit’s been a little frustrating for me lately, and he always had such perfect timing.
“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.” -Teddy R
(and yes, that’s how Ry attributed the quote as Teddy R. He’s cool like that)

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