
Metcon Love

Saturday Summary

It’s a holiday! Woo! It’s also Saturday. Double woo. In light of my #crunchylesson earlier this week, my holiday plans changed a bit. No matter, I’m a firm believer that things happen as they should, so there’s probably a very real and important reason that my ass will be spending this holiday in my lab tapping and at the gym lifting.

What a week. Monday’s Rest Day was fruitful – I picked up almost twenty books from the biblioteka and came home to a super awesome postcard from Premo. Gorging on novels is totally part of the writing process, right? Of course it is! So far this week, I’ve read two – What Alice Forgot and Room. Both were interesting, engaging, and offered me insight into my own work. Tuesday’s return to the gym always feels a bit like that cat meme from yesterday. Except there were no open mills, so I ended up climbing stairs for what felt like a lifetime to get my cardio in #liftinggirlproblems With the start of July and the beginning of this new fitness/mental phase on Wednesday, I really attacked my lifts mid-week. And they sucked. Like the whole session was tougher than it’s been in a while. I’m not sure why, but every day can’t be a rock-star day. On Thursday, I woke to my hand holding a pen – yes, I sleep with a pen, a notebook and a novel in my bed – writing invisible words in the air. I have the plot lines for the next two manuscripts! So that’s super boss. It’s a pretty safe bet to assume my mind is either on my writing or my lifting pretty much ALL of the time. Ha! I made up for the lackluster lifting session yesterday with some great progress on my deads and my front bar squats, and managed to spill chalk all over everywhere. Ooops. Today is metcon day … ropes and box jumps and sprints and all things conditioning. #plyolove I anticipate making excellent progress on round 2 of complete revisions and attacking my new work with zeal. It’s not every day I get to indulge myself in a day of writing and metcon work. I’m planning to savor each moment, and enjoy it every step (jump, tap, lunge) of the way. 

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