

Saturday Summary

What a week. These days are going by too fast. Or too slowly, depending on how I look at it.

Most of this week was concentrated on making some major changes to my novel. And when I say major, I mean like I’m going back to the beginning and starting all over again. It’s a process, to be sure, but it’s worth it because it makes the work pop.

The two screens I splurged on have proven to be exceedingly useful during this transition. Not only does it allow me to fuck off just the right amount, but it also forces me to work. Every time I walk in my lab, the screens are just … staring at me! Silently judging if I don’t turn them on and start tapping away.

So lots of progress on the writing front.

Lots of fitness progress too! I got a PR on my sumo deads this week – 185 x 5! It’s not major and it’s not what I set for myself for July, but it’s still pretty good given my size and frame. Also, I found a new gym today that is so much more in line with what I want, and how I like to train. So yay!

This week also marked the dreaded return of Two-A-Days. #lesigh #cuttingafterabulk My second session today just about kicked my ass. After thirty minutes on the rower, I was ready to be done. But I pushed for another five, just to do it. And now I’m feeling like a boss.

All in all, a progressive start to August. I switched all of the furniture around in my space over the last week, readjusted the feng shui and I hope it will help to promote a positive environment. I realize, as these hours turn to days that turn to weeks and months, all I can ever do is just keep on keepin’ on.

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