
Seeking Validation

Thursday’s Truth
Today I’ve been giving considerable thought to validation and what it means for me in my life. There are certain things I repeatedly do, over and over again in the hopes that I am validated for my efforts – either through self-progress or by way of others acknowledging and appreciating whatever it is I’m doing.
Because I’m constantly reevaluating myself and wondering how I can be better, how I can do more, how I can be more, validation is something that is very real for me. And something that I need pretty much all the time. I used to think that this tenant of my personality made me weak, that needing something other than what comes from me is a sure sign of one who does not have her shit together. Turns out that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Validation isn’t so much about winning a shiny trophy, or having a bank balance with five digits. It has less to do with the quantity of anything and more to do with the quality. If I want something badly enough, and I work hard enough for it, then it is likely to come to me. It might not be in the original form, or in the manner in which I originally sought, but it does come. While that’s surely validation enough to keep me going, it’s also nice when my fortitude is recognized in other ways. Today, I received some really fantastic writerly news that I am eager to share when the time is right. It proved to me that what I’m doing is what I’m supposed to be doing, that the validation I can find in the end result is just as brilliant as it is in the process.
My favorite philosopher love Aristotle is quoted as saying, “We are what we repeatedly do; excellence then, is not an act but a habit.” Damn that dude was smart!

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