
missing scarf, scarfed

Modigliani Monday

homme au chapeau
                 “the spoilt child of the quarter, enfant, sometimes terrible, but always forgiven”

three dimensions
of flat topography
muted in the background
because eyes of the soul
might never been seen
jacket line marries
simplicity like paint texture
offers context
if ever there has been
thin sharp lines
to suggest shape and form

cezanne’s influence in paris
when modi left the stone
for portraits in stillness
and quality, the no gaze of
antiquity, expressed in
mute concord, life
offering melancholy truth

unshaven but smooth, this man
yet to be saved by dashing
hat set askew, missing neck-tie
deliberate, no noose
for non-conforming spirit
hedonistic and vacant
notorious charm like that

legendary Parisian phase

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